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JULY- Finding Yourself!

Suddenly You Find Yourself alone, moved, changed, in a different situation… and You Find Yourself! - Jenny Lyn Walker.

Unique styles reflective of the Love for Life, Clothes, Self and for Feeling Good! Helping You Be Your best and true self. Finding Yourself & Expression through Your clothes!

YBe & JLW inspiration & journey page… change of state, movement, finding Yourself, manifesting a state of BE-ing: I Am Here, Find Me, Find Yourself, Be found! YBe a spectator when You can just join in, participate in Your life! Y Me?! Y Be?! Your Beat! Be yourself, Be unique, Be individual, Re-find Yourself…Re-connect to your inner core…

This month of July has been about RE… for me… Re-Generation, Re-Jeneration… finding the Jennergy! Energy Within Jenny! Re-naissance, Re-birth, Re-newal, Re-structure, Re-order, Re-fresh, Re-do, Re-turn to self, Re-store, Re-plenish… all with the intent to Re-find myself and get back to who I truly Am and how I want to truly Be. In order to do this I wanted to Re-locate and Re-establish myself at my Home. Which I have successfully done through June and July. I wanted to Re-set my goals and desires for the coming years and Re-assess how to go about it. It was a bold move to make sure I was operating with the best of my own strength, inner knowing, desires, wants, needs, understanding what is best for me. I have the answers inside and I wanted to make my path clear and defined and right for me. I feel I can only do the best for others when I am doing the best for myself. I felt I had to Re-build up my energy in order to really focus on the things I wanted to get done and achieve for the benefit of myself and all people around me and carry that with me to the future. I am really enjoying the perfect timing to Re-balance and time to have a homelife balanced with business life. I had to exert a lot of effort and energy to do the move and change how things would be but with determination, strength and help of a few good friends I have been able to do it and remain on track. Thank you to all those who have helped with the Re-setup.

So as I was saying at the beginning, I found myself alone, moved, changed and then I found myself and found that indeed I was not alone and never have been. Although I really enjoy the lone time out from any contact in order to really connect back with my inner self and to have my own space to be doing that from. However I must say, it hasn’t been a quiet time, it has been as busy as ever, and time alone is far and few between, however it is nice to know that I can choose the time for me only. Really to be honest not much has changed except the location and not having a shop front persay. Work continues as it ever did and the list of things is still just as long and also over the past month it has been longer as there has been more to do since the move…. But it has been very enjoyable to get my Home environment to the way I wanted it to be. It is very pleasing and enjoyable and a huge sense of satisfaction to know that I have done it and really made it work just as well as the Gallery, if not better. I can get all things done here! Work and Home stuff. Only one lot of dishes to do now! Yay! Only one power bill and one lot of rent! For me it has been a time for consolidating and balancing but also expanding at the same time! I have been able to get out more and go to more events than I did before, I have met many new people and been invited to all sorts of great things. Although I still had that but in a different way in the Gallery, although it’s a new wave of energy, it is dynamic, it is changing it is connecting, can you feel it? Life continues and changes and stays the same all at once hehe.

Anyway what I like now is because I am the source, I am the only one responsible for me, for what I do and when and how, who I spend time with and what I do and where I go… I am the central theme for me but of course everything else is connected as it always is and the external or outer world is still there and still doing their thing and still part of a bigger whole… anyway here I find myself… changed, but not, here I am still me, I find the things I want to sort, the things I want to work on, the things to let go of and the things to persue. Everything is in its place and everything has a home… in my Home here you will Find me and here I am, here is my expression, I am finding my balance, and I can help you find yours. This is what I do, this is who I am, I can help you express yourself through your clothes, that is my artform, that is how I express me, through helping you express your story, a combination. I am you, you are me, we are all a reflection of each other and all connected in this dynamic energy that continually flows, moves, changes, yet stays the same and just gets us to Re-look at aspects of our lives that need assessing or Re-turning or sorting through. Then that is where You find yourself and find the balance that is right for You.

As part of my Re-launch I think I will go back to the saying I had on my very original website and YBe business cards… which clearly said – Helping You find the Balance… with the logo being Libra scales (I am a Libran, if you hadn’t guessed) with arms raised… an interpretation of someone sitting meditating finding their balance and inner knowing and self. That is what YBe and this journey I am sharing with you is all about and has been since its inception…YBe? Why are we here and what is this life all about for each of us and as a whole. It is to make you ponder and reconnect with your inner self and to Find that balance in life that best suits You and Your needs and wants so that You may Be the best You can Be. I am sure many of you can resonate with this. So maybe my Re-launch is just a Re-turn to where it all started and a Re-surrection of all the things that define me and my brand and what it is I offer to You my wonderful friends and compatriots on this journey we are all on. Any suggestions to do with my Re-launch and Re-branding of my YBe and Jenny Lyn Walker business are very welcome… Thanks heaps!!! Happy finding Yourself! Remember You can find Me here at Home whenever you need me. I have a lovely consultation area and a studio/workroom/display space for you to see all the goings on... the work I do and what I can do for You. See you soon!

Jenny Lyn Walker*


MAY you be the calm in the centre of the storm!

“Being the calm in the centre of the storm” … Tornado ripped through Pt Chevalier the other day as I was outside bringing the small table in. My account of the tornado continues…follows...

It was raining with a gentle wind, but then suddenly a strong wall of rain thundered down… I quickly rushed outside (duh!) to get the small table in to make sure it didn’t blow away into a parked car or get wet and just as I turned to come back in from picking up the table I literally could not move forward!! The table and its contents were thrown up against me and as I struggled to keep hold of that and reached with my right hand to the window surround to hold on for dear life… it took all my strength to pull myself back into the Gallery. I could not move forward for at least 15 secs or so and then had to muster up strength to keep pushing to pull myself around the corner into the doorway, I had to launch the table into the shop and then use my left hand to grab the door frame itself to get myself back inside. I had to muster up all my strength to be here in the Gallery… being here in the Gallery doing this work and running the business sometimes it feels like I am in the middle of a tornado and I have to remain calm and centred and gather back my strength and carry on. I guess it is about not giving up as just like with getting back inside from the actual tornado outside, if I had let it the tornado would have thrown me off down the street, although If I had my umbrella out I could have flown off down the street like Mary Poppins!!! Determination saw me through pulling myself back inside when at first I was absolutely unable to move forward at all. The energy surrounding it and the sheer force I felt was so strong and like no other. It was like a wall pushing at me and not allowing me to go anywhere, except pushing me the way it wanted me to go. I pushed against it and was finally able to get myself back inside. Wow what power. The strength of that wind was so amazing! My little heart was beating so fast. What an experience!!! Jenny against the Tornado! Hope everyone is ok, so sad to hear about Albany and everyone who was hurt. I feel for them al as I felt it too and know the force of it. Love to all, I am still here! Working on remaining calm and centred with all the turmoil surrounding me, it reinvigorates me to say hey don’t give up and keep on pushing through and eventually you will be able to get through those doors that you want to! Even though I may lose my way sometimes and get thrown off track, and feel like sometimes I am in the middle of a storm or tornado!, I can always muster up the strength to bring myself back and learn to continue on with even more determination, compassion and wisdom in any situation. ” – Jenny Lyn Walker.


March to Your own Beat whilst marching in Unison...

With lots of shake ups happening at the moment… remember to take care of yourself as well as others … my thoughts & love go out to everyone…Christchurch and Japan and all around the world. If you are feeling like you are unable to do much to support those in Christchurch and Japan and many other countries struggling with difficulties, how about start a little closer to home. Take care of your loved ones, yourself, your local community, help support those who are working on making a positive difference in the world starting locally.

Sometimes when shake ups happen further afield our community, closer to home  and personal issues are put aside and things become motionless for a while, the thing with this though is that we need to keep everything flowing even in times of upheavals as has happened, the focus only in certain areas causes the wheels to turn slower in other areas that stops everything moving and in turn can cause more harm, and more end up suffering and are unable to cope with the lack of support in their direction… we all make up this system and life and so whilst of course helping as much as possible those in need be also aware that others are still in need but maybe it is not perceived because it is not glaringly physically obvious.

So don’t stop and limit your distribution of energy to all the areas that are in need of it, we all have a lot of love and energy to give and need to keep it moving and flowing around for all the worlds and its peoples sake. The more we help each other the more in turn we can help further afield. Keep the wheels in motion, keep the community ticking, keep loving your loved ones, keep aspiring to help the world in whatever way or capacity you can.

Everyone is marching in unison, even without really knowing it sometimes, although also to their own beat along the way. We are all connected and all having everyday experiences and marching on as surely as our heart beats, we march to a rhythm of life. We can all be a harmony to each others beat and create beautiful music together as we march or dance a long lifes path.

How successfully you are able to March within that flow depends on your frame of mind and how much love and beauty you are willing to experience around you through the journey. What do you want to take from it, get out of it or participate with, give out to, share, be connected to, receive, believe, be part of. What do you choose, how do you want to be?



Come along to YBe and place your wish, dream, desire into the wishing well and into the ethers and let love and light shine on you and bring all things to reality. Your hearts intentions placed in a sacred wishing space whilst surrounding yourself in the YBe ambience. Be enveloped in the essence of love, invigorate yourself with Luxury pure perfumery, seek the garments you desire and be inspired by artistic creative and poetic expression while you are here. Ignite and trigger all your senses. YBe is a place for all to share and be connected and to learn of beauty, style, expression, love and light and happiness and community spirit, connections and helping each other through this life. Please come and be part of the YBe journey and connect it in with your own journey. We are all a part of a bigger picture and we all are who we are in this and have a unique role to play. Let YBe help shine a light on your path and Let it Be… a golden path, full of Joy & love & happiness!



It’s amazing how much a clean space makes things much clearer. By eradicating clutter, just keeping what fits & what you need, this organization of objects helps to order the clutter in our heads. With an ordered space, it becomes easier to recognize what is important & what has the most priority. Above all, it seems to just give a little space to breathe…

Think about the things that you are a little stuck in "getting to doing" what are the things that are seeming to stop you from just "getting on with it?" Are they organisation based, location based, surroundings based? Is there anything you can move arround or rearrange to declutter, make it a more comfortable environment, easier to work around space or any other phsyical challenges in your way that you can just shift a bit so that they clear the way to "get on with it?"

Sit and be still and quiet and pause... how is it you are feeling about the "stuck" things... would you be happier if you had them sorted and done and ticked off ... what are some easy steps you can take now to start on the track of fixing or clearing the blockage... get comfortable and tidy first and foremost and then you can sort through the rest of what needs to be done with less confusion and clearing that clutter clears your head and your heart space to be able to do what you would like to get done...  have you made lists of what you want to get done? Maybe the first on the list could be to organise to gain some sort of order to then approach each task diligently and focused and have a system to go forward with so that as you are doing, tidying and organising as you go whilst setting up the path to follow from here on out...

Get the jobs done that have been playing on your mind and anything left over from last year! Sense of accomplishment and job well done always help to motivate towards the next set of things ... start with one, tick it off and carry on!

Be happy with gettings things the way you would like them to be and congratulate yourself for putting in an extra few hours to get things up to shape. Share with others what has worked well for you and lets get everyone off to a great start for the year! Encouragement, support and help go a long way for each of us to get on the right track and to be able to get things going smoothly and with the flow. NEW Year! NEW You! NEW Flow! NEW Constructive Habits! Changes are a part of life and embracing them helps the flow continue...clear out of the old and in with the new or revamping of the old to something new are all part of the process of life... celebrate that... and first and foremost CHERISH Yourself and everything that You Are and ENJOY Yourself and everything that You Do!

Have a wonderful Year!!

Jenny Lyn Walker.